Monday, November 9, 2009

Organize Your Handbag in 5 Minutes

Do you struggle to find your cell phone in your handbag when it rings? Do you have a hard time finding important items when you need them the most? It may be time to do a little de-cluttering. Here is a concise little guide to keep your most important stuff within reach and will save you precious time.


1. Empty the contents of your purse onto a table or other surface at home (not in public!)

2. Sort in 4 piles: garbage, relocation, keep in purse, to be filed. Start with obvious trash items like candy wrappers, tissues, old business cards and papers. Take it straight to the garbage when you are done cleaning out your bag. Once all trash is cleared out, move onto to what you know you will keep in your purse.

3.  Items to Keep: These should include keys, wallet, sunglasses in case, cell phone, one quality working pen, one package of gum (or mints) , dental floss and/or a toothbrush with small tube of toothpaste. You might also require a small tissue packet and a lip balm/gloss or lipstick/lip gloss and one hair clip or tie. If you plan to keep makeup in your bag,  place it in a small portable makeup bag or a ziploc bag so you don't have to rifle through your whole bag for it. You may also want either a brush or a comb and a small tube of hand cream as well as a tiny lint roller. In a smaller zipped side pocket you might keep a small pack of medication or feminine hygiene products.

Items to reallocate would be things like kids toys, extra pens, pads of paper, CD's, extra hair clips, combs, brushes, travel size hairspray.

4. File any receipts, documents, appointment cards etc. right away as to avoid losing them altogether.

5. Open up your wallet and remove any expired coupons, old receipts, papers, and toss them, leaving only your own country's currency, a couple of your own business cards, and your checkbook if applicable.

6. Find any appointment cards business cards that need to be filed and do so now. Find a home for foreign coins and bills.

7. Keep all relevant cards, stamps, and credit cards, eliminiating all rewards points cards that you rarely use. Instead take these with you only when you know you'll be heading to that particular store. Make photocopies of all important credit cards and documentation and put it in a safe place, in case you lose something.

Keep your purse and wallet organized by weekly going through it and removing receipts, trash, papers and cards that don't belong. I recommend doing this on Sunday night to start the new week afresh. See if you can make your purse lighter by trading change out for bills at the bank or local coin changer. Store all baby and kids items in a separate diaper bag or knapsack as to not turn your handbag into a dumping ground.

I wrote this article a couple years ago and it was inspired by a friend that could never seem to find what she needed in her bag; particularly while in checkout lines, which seemed to be frustrating for her and everyone else behind her in line.  I hope it will help you stay organized!

Do you make it a habit to organize your handbag and wallet? Do you have other organizing habits that you keep up with to make your life easier? Share them with us!

Thanks for Reading!


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